What are the Contraindications of Infrared Therapy?

What are the Contraindications of Infrared Therapy?

Infrared light therapy, including, and also known as, red light therapy, has some contraindications and precautions to consider.


1.  Impaired temperature sensation: Individuals with impaired temperature sensation may not be able to properly gauge the heat generated by infrared light therapy, increasing the risk of burns.

2.  Recent burns: Infrared light therapy should not be used on recently burned areas, as it may interfere with the healing process.

3. Malignant cancers: Infrared light therapy should not be used on areas affected by malignant cancers.

4. Hyperthyroidism (neck and upper chest only): Infrared light therapy should be avoided in individuals with hyperthyroidism in the neck and upper chest area.

5. Epilepsy: Infrared light therapy should be used with caution in individuals with epilepsy.


1.  Eye conditions: Infrared light therapy may not be suitable for individuals with certain eye conditions, such as diabetes-related retinal diseases.

2.  Thyroid disorders: Individuals with thyroid gland disorders should consult with their physician before using infrared light therapy, as some forms of therapy may contain high levels of iodine.

3.  Cardiovascular conditions: Individuals with cardiovascular conditions, hypertension, or heart disease should consult with their medical doctor before using infrared light therapy.

4.  Metal body implants: Infrared light therapy may be reflected by metal body implants, so individuals with such implants should consult with their doctor before using the therapy.

5.  Photosensitivity: Some medications can cause photosensitivity, and individuals taking these medications should avoid infrared light therapy to prevent severe skin reactions.

It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new therapy or treatment, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications that may interact with infrared light therapy.

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